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what the mud?

Here's the story of how we came about and why we do what we do.


My father, Mike, has been immersed in Thailand since 2006, passionately driving funds for conservation projects benefiting Asian elephants. Witnessing Dad's dedication to elephant conservation, I felt a pull to participate and contribute. It was the first project we ever worked on together and we still liked eachother afterwards. Anyway, we were both immediately captivated by the Asian culture. Dad always believed and taught me about herbal medicine and ancient traditions even though we are from The Netherlands, where there is limited knowledge about Asian herbal medicine. His respect for herbal medicine fueled the inception of Modder Supps.

It all started when he met his new buddy in Thailand who invented a new technique of freeze drying to preserve the full spectrum power in (mostly) Thai superfoods. Both eager to spread nature's wisdom, they teamed up and came to me.

When dad asked me if I could take the lead and apply my own vision to the brand, I couldn't resist and quit my job. Why? Honestly, because I believe in taking a different approach to the health and supplement industry. It's more than just business; it's about doing good for the farmers, humanity, and being mindful of cultural appreciation. And foremost, about making the best herbal supplements available on modder earth without adding any bullshit.

- Maaike | Modder Supps.

Modder nature club

Modder Supps believes the mud is where it all begins. That’s why the Modder Nature Club encourages a dirty hands-on approach. This community is all about going outside, learning, and playing together, with Mother Nature as our guide.

Forget about boring courses—it’s all about shared knowledge and the joy of being outdoors. We curate and offer opportunities like foraging, hiking routes, organic markets, and other adventures to explore and grow together.

Wanna leave your dusty couch and join us in the great outdoors? Become part of our community united by a love for nature.

Upcoming events

New events will be announced here soon.